You won’t believe how many times clients have asked us to come up with a cool name for their product or company. So I couldn’t help being fascinated when my handyman and I installed a Mr Cool® air conditioner this…
You won’t believe how many times clients have asked us to come up with a cool name for their product or company. So I couldn’t help being fascinated when my handyman and I installed a Mr Cool® air conditioner this…
In a world where our coffee machines talk to us and our refrigerators double as DJs, it’s no surprise that artificial intelligence (AI) has also tried to sneak its way into the glamorous world of Naming. Moreover, hold on to…
Traditionally when big marketing teams get together to create a new brand for a new product, service or company, they start with their positioning, value proposition, target market, draft messaging, etc. Then they start a search for a name that…
As an adjunct to naming, taglines and slogans are an important component for positioning a company or product line. The magic though is they need to be short and sweet and specific. If they are also clever, humorous or have…
Top 10 ways we provide a different level of support for any of your naming projects: We are marketeers first and namers second. We have a rich technical, scientific, industrial and financial background. We are very international with team members…
If you have tried naming a new product line or service offering, especially in a big company, then you know what a challenge it can be. Who is in charge? Who makes the final decision? What name style do you…
When I first heard the name Splunk® I thought how cool a name it was. Surely one of those new mobile apps for and by millennials. No, rather it is the name of a back end data server and privacy…
A few blogs back we asked if you knew the nicknames for the McDonalds and Ford logos. Surely most of you knew the easy answer to the first part of this: The Golden Arches for McDonalds ubiquitos big M symbol.…
(Disclaimer: I did rely on search engines and Wikipedia for some of the amusing and interesting background info. As author of the quiz, I knew most of the answers to these questions when I posted them – except Question 1)…
Recently there have been another spate of questions on Quora and other online forums about product brand vs company brand, especially from new marketeers or entrepreneurs wrestling with these issues. Admittedly it is different in small startups from the big…