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The Top 10 Brighter Naming Differences

Top 10 ways we provide a different level of support for any of your naming projects: We are marketeers first and namers second. We have a rich technical, scientific, industrial and financial background. We are very international with team members

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Posted in Biotech Naming, Branding, Consumer Goods, Domain Names, Drinks, Food Names, Hospitality & Travel, Industrial Products Naming, International Naming, Name Changes, Naming Education, Naming News, Naming Resources, Retail, Space Technology, Sports Naming, Sustainable Brand Names, Technology Names, Trademarks, Wine Names

A Tribute to James Burke

Those of you old enough to have watched television in the 1980s may remember James Burke, host and driving force behind my all-time favorite science documentary series, Connections. In each episode, Burke would start with some scientific advancement, show how

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, International Naming, Naming Education, Naming News, Strange Names, Technology Names, Trademarks, Transportation