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Backwards Branding

Traditionally when big marketing teams get together to create a new brand for a new product, service or company, they start with their positioning, value proposition, target market, draft messaging, etc. Then they start a search for a name that

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Domain Names, International Naming, Naming Resources, Retail, Sustainable Brand Names, Trademarks

Taking a naming seat in the consumer realm

From high tech to consumer naming many people need help with their naming problems for cool products

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Industrial Products Naming, International Naming, Naming News, Retail, Technology Names, Uncategorized

The Top 10 Brighter Naming Differences

Top 10 ways we provide a different level of support for any of your naming projects: We are marketeers first and namers second. We have a rich technical, scientific, industrial and financial background. We are very international with team members

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Posted in Biotech Naming, Branding, Consumer Goods, Domain Names, Drinks, Food Names, Hospitality & Travel, Industrial Products Naming, International Naming, Name Changes, Naming Education, Naming News, Naming Resources, Retail, Space Technology, Sports Naming, Sustainable Brand Names, Technology Names, Trademarks, Wine Names

Of Country and Crackers

California – July 30, 2020. I don’t usually lead off with a dateline, but stay with me… Around this time of year, I’m reminded of several things, one of which was a conversation I had with one of my young

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Famous Quotes, Food Names, Name Origins, Retail, Trademarks

Great British brands of the 1800’s

Cadbury (Year Founded: 1824) Cadbury was founded in 1824 when John Cadbury opened his grocer’s shop in Birmingham. Being a Quaker, he sold only tea, coffee, cocoa, and drinking chocolate. Cadbury’s little shop grew in popularity so much that only seven years

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Food Names, International Naming, Name Origins, Retail, Trademarks

Trademarks can last a long, long time thanks to Mickey Mouse

When people ask me how long a registered trademark is good for, my glib reply is often “How old is Mickey Mouse?” Unlike patents, which typically expire after 17 years or so, trademarks can be renewed every few years. How

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, International Naming, Naming Education, Naming News, Naming Resources, Retail, Sustainable Brand Names, Trademarks

Great old British Brands from the 1700’s that are still going strong

 Coutts (Year Founded: 1692) Coutts was founded in 1692 by John Campbell. It started life as a goldsmith’s shop in Strand, London. By the time of Campbell’s death in 1712, it was an operational bank. After his death, his son-in-law took

Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, International Naming, Name Origins, Naming Education, Retail

Premade Packaged Pizza Names

How do these things start and progress? This post began by sharing a link to an article on the health benefits of canned seafood, which led to the observation that you can no longer order sardines on your pizza. The

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Food Names, Name Origins, Naming Education, Retail, Sustainable Brand Names

This is not the way to create lasting branding prestige!

Hotix(TM) or Hiitox or maybe  even Hotix-Pro(TM) – these product names have been flying across my screen all week. All pertaining to be the latest Swedish small wall heater plug-in the socket. All with the same photo image. Why would

Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Industrial Products Naming, Name Origins, Naming News, Retail, Rotten Names, Strange Names

ibotta – What an awful name for a shopping app

Every so often a name comes along that actually gets some publicity or has the money to promote itself on TV. I was horrified when I first saw this name on a TV commercial.  Wow. Launching a new consumer shopping

Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Domain Names, International Naming, Name Origins, Naming Education, Retail, Rotten Names, Strange Names