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Backwards Branding

Traditionally when big marketing teams get together to create a new brand for a new product, service or company, they start with their positioning, value proposition, target market, draft messaging, etc. Then they start a search for a name that

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Domain Names, International Naming, Naming Resources, Retail, Sustainable Brand Names, Trademarks

Taking a naming seat in the consumer realm

From high tech to consumer naming many people need help with their naming problems for cool products

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Industrial Products Naming, International Naming, Naming News, Retail, Technology Names, Uncategorized

The 2 most important factors when naming a product or service

If you have tried naming a new product line or service offering, especially in a big company, then you know what a challenge it can be. Who is in charge? Who makes the final decision? What name style do you

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Posted in Biotech Naming, Branding, Consumer Goods, Domain Names, Industrial Products Naming, International Naming, Name Origins, Naming News, Naming Resources, Sustainable Brand Names, Technology Names, Trademarks

+ Names are often a -ve

Just as we happily bid farewell to a bad me too product called Google+, new video services come online called Disney + and Apple +.  Walt Disney and Steve Jobs must be turning in their graves. Doesn’t management get that

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Domain Names, International Naming, Name Origins, Naming Education, Naming News, Rotten Names, Sustainable Brand Names, Trademarks

Son of Nomen Est Omen

In previous posts, I’ve advanced the idea that a name can be so bad that it’s good. Deliberately or by accident, a name comes out that provokes the reaction: “Well, if they’re using that name and they’re still in business,

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Posted in Consumer Goods, Food Names, International Naming, Name Origins, Retail

It takes some spunk to name your company Splunk.

When I first heard the name Splunk® I thought how cool a name it was. Surely one of those new mobile apps for and by millennials. No, rather it is the name of a back end data server and privacy

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Posted in Branding, Domain Names, Name Origins, Naming Education, Naming News, Technology Names, Trademarks

How to select a naming agency.

How to select a Naming Agency Before you can select a naming agency it is prudent to understand what kind of agencies and consultants are out there. They fall into 4 broad categories: 1.    Big Company Full Service Agencies:  These

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Name Origins, Naming Education, Naming News, Naming Resources, Trademarks