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“Nomen Est Omen”? Uh, not always…

Family names often turn into brand names, sometimes becoming strongly associated with the products involved. Play word association with “MacDonald” or “Ford”, and odds are you’ll pop up with “hamburger” and “car”. Sometimes family names can be a bit more

Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Food Names

Mooboo – The Best Bubble Tea for You

“MooBoo Bubble Tea” has been hitting the headlines lately but not as a great product name. Instead there are the controversial issues regarding alleged unpaid hours issues (thankfully now resolved legally.) I wonder whether this burst the bubble of MooBoo

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Domain Names, Food Names, Name Origins, Naming Education, Rotten Names, Trademarks

TranQuini relaxes you just by the name

Born in the beautiful high Alps and rivers of Austria, TranQuini® epitomizes the image of relief you look for in a refreshing,  revitalizing and calming drink. Even their tagline Positively Relaxed is prominent on all their packaging to help drive

Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Food Names, Trademarks

Who owns that consumer brand?

Recently there have been another spate of questions on Quora and other online forums about product brand vs company brand, especially from new marketeers or entrepreneurs wrestling with these issues. Admittedly it is different in small startups from the big

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Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Food Names, Naming Education, Naming News, Trademarks

Will Burger King become Burger & Hotdog King

Recently I saw an ad for the new long sandwiches at Burger King so I had to try their fish versions (the only fast food I eat). Halfway through I looked at the “long bun” and thought to myself “wow..

Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Food Names, Naming News, Trademarks

Smart and cool packaged food names like Late July

When I first wrote this I had been meaning to blog for weeks but kept running into only bad names – and I had been reluctant to put my black hat on too many of them. ThenI was served in

Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Food Names, Trademarks

Mooskys is the perfect name for a Mickey Mouse food snack

Just when I was thinking about new food and packaged goods names for the current season, my partner in Europe sends me the attached photo from Spain. How could I resist not rating it for a three star award. What

Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Food Names, Naming Education, Naming News, Trademarks

Attention grabbing names

Every day I hear from so many people who are trying to describe their product or company, rather than name it. So it was refreshing to be in a new supermarket and see these products on the upper shelves literally

Posted in Branding, Consumer Goods, Food Names, Naming Education, Naming News, Trademarks

Fun drink names for the holidays

One of the fun things about food shopping over the end of year holidays is that you get to see all sorts of wine and alcohol product names that are normally not on the shelves at your favorite stores. At

Posted in Consumer Goods, Food Names, Strange Names, Trademarks

Set of medical top level domains being released right now

I thought the sequencing of the release of new top level gTLD’s, as the domain extensions are properly called, was more random than I am seeing – but that might just be a coincidence. Regardless, if you are in the

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Posted in Biotech Naming, Branding, Food Names, Name Changes, Naming News, Technology Names, Trademarks