Last month Domain Name Wire wrote a fairly detailed article about how David Negari was laying all his cards and expectations on the forthcoming new top level .xyz domain moniker. And ever since I have been scratching my head and trying to understand the opportunity and the logic behind these claims.
But the more I think about it the more I realize it is just wishful thinking and a grandiose self promotion – or maybe even just a big dream.
Yes, when the world has hundreds more domains to choose from next year, those better promoted may do better. But I doubt it unless, like in all naming, the names are smooth, easy to say and use, and meaningful. In other words, criteria on which .xyz fails miserably.
Firstly, it is 3 syllables to say – greatly lengthening your brand name, sales call and marketing message. Secondly, in the USA it is pronounced Ex Why Zee and in UK and colonies it is Ex Why Zed. Thirdly it has no meaning… though some say it is like “etc”. In other words, a long no meaning generic. Fourthly, someone is not looking at immediate history. How come .biz and .info (and even .net) have not been such mega hits? It surely is not for want of low price or promotion – see what GoDaddy alone has done with their massive reach to try to get you to take these monikers.
And finally, why would anyone pick .xyz when they can have .music or .hotel or .inc or .corp or .web or .news or .blog or .shop or .tech or .family or .app or .college or .africa or .car or .cloud or .med or .market or .tickets or .weather or .. ?
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