It has been a few months since I made my long road cross country trip so I have had time to cool off and consider my position on the logo and image makeover of the Best Western chain of lodges. But my opinion hasn’t changed. What were they thinking to take such a stapl
e, colorful logo, and throw it out and start all over again with their own Corporate Branding? Where is the continuity. Maybe more importantly, where is the connection to the old image? You know, the warm colorful one.
Like this one here (which might be due a refresh, but not a city corporate look):
Now they are just another corporate button. Yes they are a growing chain and extending the brand in all directions. Sure they want more upscale city properties but why risk their history and loyal following in resort areas across the country. Giving up such a leadership position to try and chase Hyatt Regency is what it looks like to me. Did they not ever really talk to some of their guests and see the loyalty to the brand as they traveled across the country?
Last time I stayed in a Best Western I was chatting on the lovely front lawn in a small town with a British guest as we prepared to check out. I asked him if he needed help with directions or sites to visit in Northern California. He just smiled and waved the Best Western “Atlas” at me. “No thanks,” he said. “We just go from Best Western to Best Western.”
What now? Will he say they go from Corporate BW button to button? In these examples the words Best Western are still prominent, but not so on all the lodgings. Just a shiny BW button. Looks so unfriendly and out of place in the countryside. And through me for a loop when sometimes it was blue and sometimes red until I figured out red stood for Plus. Plus what I have no idea – just a scam to get franchisees to shoot more upscale I think, just like Airbnb Plus.
Heck they should have done it in black and white and said that BW now meant Black and White.
PS I see BWP stands for Best Western Premier and not their more popular Best Western Plus. Go figure!
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