I have been thinking of a very positive headline for this posting all week, especially because I am very impressed with the rest of their marketing. But at the end of the day, eero is just a little too clever and weird for me. And names that are written in lower case cause all sorts of logistical issues in marketing and promotion and legal usage forever going forward, especially when it is in the text version of the name and not just in the logo. Heck it breaks a basic law of English grammar you learned in first grade: Proper nouns are capitalized.
The search for short, cute and unique names will be a never ending quest, especially for hip tech geeks in San Francisco. But surely not at the risk of sacrificing the fatted goat. After all, your name is your primary weapon in the battle for the mind, as Ries and Trout pointed out long ago. And your poor salesmen and distributors have to use it a lot on the phone. It must be really amusing to hear a telemarketer with a San Francisco Filipino accent (for example) trying to call people up and talk about buying a ear row or eeeh row to extend their wifi (itself pronounced wiffy in much of the world). My response might be, when I finally get it, “I don’t need one. I am not old enough to have a hearing aid.”
On top of that, their logo is mega boring and colorless.
But as for the rest of their image and marketing – Outstanding. Shows the new trend that techies are finally getting design is a key part of all product offerings, and this extends to the complete marketing and corporate image, even if the name on the outside is not Apple. They are so much cooler than their competitor Linksys, even though Linksys is not doing a bad job now that they are freed from the conservatism of Cisco.
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