Eye-Fi is a Cute Catchy Name. Will it Endure?


Notice how the tiny logo still has a (R) symbol and some graphics imagery going on.

In this day and age of ubiquitous WiFi I can’t help but smile every time I see the Eye-Fi name. Talk about riding a popular theme!  Then I talk to friends in Europe and they pronounce WiFi as Wiffy. Does that mean they sound Eye-Fi as Iffy?

I doubt it, but more importantly, as Google Glass and many other portable and wearable computing options emerge, Eye-Fi could be a very valuable name or a very confusing name. Even now they really mostly make camera SIMM cards and not eye products.

Regardless, we always wish companies with cute names the best of luck. Especially when they do take the important time and trouble to register their trademarks and try to do something graphically with their logo. Notice the big effect of those three little curved bars over the i in this example.

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Posted in Branding, Domain Names, Name Origins, Naming News, Technology Names, Trademarks