I have been following the development and rollout of the new gTLD’s for some time. This means all the new domains we can start to register this year. A lot of them are very practical and long overdue in English, let alone the foreign character set ones that are way overdue. Live, or almost live examples, include .club, .attorney, .guru, .hotel, .web, .church, .school, .food, etc. I even thought of having some prize for the best use of a new domain, but I don’t know how to judge “best”. Anyway, if you know (or own) some cool new one, let me know and maybe I can help publicize it.
In the meantime, I have elsewhere written about the non-value of .xyz but until today I missed that one of the new domain endings will be .wtf! yes, I am serious. Reserve yours today at Instra.com for example.
Was ICANN asleep at the wheel? Didn’t they at least ask what the abbreviation stood for (the application did not define it)? Just another crazy idea from Donut Domains. Oh wtf!
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