Name Critic rates Xbox

Our Rating
Background:Ouch, ouch and ouch. Why would you introduce a box that is X-Rated? Why would you sell a box at all unless you are in the packaging business? Sure it is for generation-X, but they are about to be passed by generation-y kids. Sure they like things a bit edgy….and two harsh consonants in the same four letter word make it read a lot longer and less smoothly than most other names. But our youth are adaptable and can handle it. And Microsoft has the money to push and brand anything. Pity they didn’t want to bring something just a little more warm and friendly into the living rooms for the world to embrace.Of course we have to give the logo a higher score for presentation. Graphics designers always love the sharp edges of X’z and Z’s and similar characters. But look carefully at the logo design. See how they have softened the inherent sharpness of the word. Perhaps their audience couldn’t handle such an edgy name in its entirety after all! In fact, the whole website is rather tame.

P.S. Will the next generation model be called the XXBox and then the XXX Box? Will parents let their children near all that X rated stuff?

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