Name Critic rates Agloco
Our Rating
This business is a revival of a previous idea that was called AllAdvantage. Well that wasn’t the shortest or cutest name for a communal site that wants to pay you to allow people to track your internet habits. But at least it didn’t sound like crazy farmer. What will the Aggies at Texas A & M or UC Davis be thinking? Has no one stopped in the middle of a mouthful at El Pollo Loco to think the name means crazy chicken?
Maybe they know most consumers think they must be loco to allow our web habits to be publicly tracked, even if we do get web credits for it.
Ok, we know (now that we have researched it), that this name is derived from A Global Community, but that is all lost in the resulting abbreviations.
Coined names are always pronounced the way that would be normal in the user’s major native language. While Angloco gets pronounced Anglo Co, we think Agloco will usually be pronounced Ag Loco.
The green logo helps tie the name to agriculture too. Is it a temporary name or will they be filing for a registered trademark on this one someday? At least it is not likely to run into many legal problems.
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